29 Jul 2015

Always work with a Qualified Estate Liquidation company

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I was very excited and proud to be asked to write an article for the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s June issue of their Bar Journal on Estate Planning.  This was a wonderful opportunity to explain the importance of hiring a qualified estate liquidation company.

We see estate liquidation companies popping up one after another without the credentials or the experience to do their due diligence for the client. These companies don’t end up staying in business long. It pains us to see trusting family members or executors put their treasures in the hands of those who might not be looking out for their best interests. In this article I speak about this along with the importance of knowing today’s resale market and how to hire a qualified appraiser for your equitable distribution or estate tax needs.

Enjoy pgs 26 & 27!!

Always work with a qualified estate liquidation company on estate sales.
